A downloadable Web Browser for Windows

Free, Fast Lite and  Open-Source

Indroducing you Webcat, the fast and free and open source web browser. You can customize and distribute it with no copyright. So if you want to download the source, go to the product page and then you need to install visual studio 2019 or later versions to edit the source of the browser. So download the source and distribute it as you like

And Enjoy the browser too, it is made from the .net framework technology by Microsoft, with C#, So Have Fun and rate the Browser and support our other Games

The Project is in Development, so if there is any bugs or problems please comment below now, so that I can read and edit it and complete and update the project

It's now only available for windows, but in future updates it will be available for Mac and Linux


WEBCAT for Windows 67 MB
Download Source Code 464 MB

Development log


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(1 edit)

Looks nice.

Edit: Is it ok if I use some of this to improve my browser? If yes, should I put the link to this in the browser or itch page?

Of course you can do as you like


Pretty Nice, although what's it's compatibility?


Did you mean System Requirements..?


Yes, and the earliest version of Windows that it can run on (ex. Windows XP) 

(1 edit) (+1)

There is not limit for it, you can run it on any pc with 2 GB RAM and with any processor  and it runs on any windows os 


ok, that's good. I'll try it on a Windows-compatible OS that I'm helping with (ReactOS), and I hope it does run.



